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March 12

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Konza Law Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Defense :


Bankruptcy - Sometimes you run out of alternatives to pay all your bills. Loss of a job, divorce, foreclosure, repossessions, or medical bills can throw your life into chaos. Prevention & planning has to be the first step. It may take Bankruptcy to solve the constant treadmill that destroys your peace of mind. Despite changes in the law in 2005 Bankruptcy can offer substantial relief. Additionally, we identify whether you have consumer claims to bring against creditors that harass you. We will discus how to:

▸ Stop Harassing Phone Calls
▸ Stop Foreclosures & Collections
▸ Get Control of your Finances
▸ Options under Chapter 7 & 13
▸ Make claims against abusive Debt Collectors

Foreclosure Defense

Foreclosure Defense - Don’t give up the ship. If you are threatened with Foreclosure you still have rights in your property. Don’t abandon your home. Investigate your alternatives. You may have actual Defenses to the Foreclosure under the Truth In Lending Act (TILA), Regulation Z, the Contract, or the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA). Mortgage Lenders can and do commit Fraud. If you can’t keep your home maybe you can rescind the transaction and get your money back.

Federal Law requires that I advise you that this Law Firm may be considered a “Debt Relief Agency” (whatever that means). We help people file for Relief Under the Bankrupcy Code (even if you don’t need to). Your members of Congress, the Senate, and Creditors who paid them Millions in “Campaign Contributions” make us say this. It took 10 years of “contributions” to buy the alleged bankruptcy reforms in 2005, and the Creditors wrote the law instead of the Trustees who knew where the real reforms were needed. Chapter 11 is what wreaks real havoc on the economy but it remained virtually untouched by reforms. The opinions expressed here are strictly ours.

Konza Law L.L.C. | 725 N. Washington - Junction City, Ks 66441 | Phone: (785)238-1577 | Fax: (785)238-1577 | Email: