Today is:
March 12

      We support our troops

Konza Law Servicemembers :


Located in Junction City, Kansas next to Fort Riley, U.S. Army Post- Konza Law caters to the needs of Servicemembers and their Families. If a deployment is imminent we may be able to get some issues resolved in advance of your deployment.

Deployed Servicemembers - You do have certain protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). The SCRA may delay Civil Litigation during the period of your deployment provided you demonstrate to the Court that you should be entitled to the Stay. You will need assistance from your chain of command to request the stay. If a judgment is entered against you in your absence during the deployment you may move to set aside that judgment if you can show a meritorious defense.

Waivers - You may waive your protections under the SCRA to allow certain litigation to proceed in your absence. In these cases it is wise to have an attorney represent you, put a settlement agreement in place before the litigation continues, or be in a position to return if necessary. Notably, you can obtain a divorce or other types of relief so long as you understand the risks involved in not being available to testify on your own behalf.

Applicability - The SCRA is applicable to members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard on Active Duty. It can also cover Members of the National Guard called to Active Duty for more than 30 consecutive days. Commissioned members of the Public Health Service and NOAA can also be covered.

Konza Law L.L.C. | 725 N. Washington - Junction City, Ks 66441 | Phone: (785)238-1577 | Fax: (785)238-1577 | Email: