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March 12

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Konza Law Workers Compensation :

Workers Compensation

If you are Injured at work you are most likely covered by your Employer under Workers Compensation Insurance. You are entitled to have your Medical Care paid for to restore your health including reimbursements for travel. If you are Disabled from work Temporarily or Permanently Injured (that causes Partial or Total Disability) you are entitled to some Monetary Compensation in addition. What you can recover varies widely based on your income as well as the Nature & Extent of your Disability. Proof of your claims requires the Expertise of Medical Professionals and Vocational Information about you.

 Workers Compensation Statutes have extremely short statutes of limitation to cut off your claims. If you are injured you must notify your employer (unless they actually know) that you suffered a work related injury. You must also make a Written Claim to keep the claim alive. This is why quickly obtaining legal advice is crucial to preserving your rights.

It is against public policy for an Employer to terminate you for making a Workers Compensation claim. Unfortunately, many Employers react in a negative way when an employee is injured. Instead of embracing their responsibility they try to avoid it. A Wrongful Termination case is a separate but some times related legal case.

What to bring: (1) Name & address of your employer & its insurance carrier, (2) Your wage information - 26 weeks, (3) Medical documentation regarding your injury, (4) All restrictions you have been given by your doctor. Keep track of your appointments and mileage (see forms for assistance in recording the information).

Konza Law L.L.C. | 725 N. Washington - Junction City, Ks 66441 | Phone: (785)238-1577 | Fax: (785)238-1577 | Email: